Timi Rößing Art


About Timi Rößing

The young artist Timi Rößing, born in Mannheim in 2004, takes the greatest influence on his work is the joys of life in all its forms. Themes such as lust, love, celebration, sun and sea appear again and again in varying forms. His art is figurative, colorful and relaxed. Rößing is also preoccupied with criticism of current politics and the present day, although these works are only shared on social media and in catalogs. However, they never reach the market, as Timi says of his work: "I want to sell joie de vivre and not want people to hang problems on their walls".


The Blackmore apartments were designed to exude luxury. To add that unique touch, each apartment was decorated by a different local artist. Pick a favorite.

acryl paintings

Timi Rößing paints everything that comes between his fingers and offers him inspiration. The majority of his works take the form of acrylic paintings on canvas

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